jeudi 15 décembre 2011

J'ai l'âme lourde encor d'amour inexprimé.

They were called Jeanette and Risette. Well, those weren't their true names, but everyone called them that way. They were sisters. One died six years ago, the other one, almost two weeks ago by now. One was my grandmother by blood, the other one, by heart.

Turns out them passing away doesn't make me love them any less. Here's a bit of virtual space to their memories, to the warmth they envelopped us with.

Ps: Title quoted from Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac.

3 commentaires:

  1. on s'y croirait ! moi qui y étais... je reconnais tout et tous...
    heu.. Mamet était bien aussi ta grand-mère de coeur... pas que par le sang !!

  2. Mais comment tu arrives à faire ça ? On reconnait tellement la chaleur dans cette pièce...

  3. Ben j'y ai passé beaucoup de temps. :) Et merci!
