dimanche 8 décembre 2013

Surrealism from the past.

A newspaper clipping I found in a pile of papers that used to belong to my grandmother.



The City Hall communicates:

On the 29th of august, three young girls living with Mrs R., 23 rue Carnot at Sablé, thought it a good idea to manifest feelings of hostility by sticking their tongue out at German soldiers belonging to a troop passing through the town.  On an order from the officer commanding the troop, the three delinquents were severely scolded and invited to refrain from such displays in the future, least they be punished in an exemplary way.

On this topic, it is necessary to remember that in compliance with the terms of the armistice agreement, and in enactment of the orders from the high command of the occupation troops, the most absolute respect is owed by all citizen to the German army. Any report of insulting behavior can be followed by dire sanctions, not only for the guilty, but for the whole community"."